Tuesday, February 25, 2020

My life,My Motivation

I still remember those days when I use to fumble while speaking English,use to be an underdog who is scared of English like hell and it was not my fault as I hail from Hindi speaking background.
The day when I realized what I am capable of,I changed the rules of the game for myself and turned the table. Earlier I use to compete with others and after the realization I started competing with myself...from a Looser to where I am standing today,I am pretty satisfied by my growth as a human as I am learning new things every day and not only that,I am passing my knowledge,my skills to others,so that they can also grow in thier own life.I know I still have very bad English though I am  8777 pointer in IELTS...
8.5 in Listening,
7.5-8 in Reading,
8 in Writing and
8.5 Bands in speaking...
Still I give all the credit to the Practice.
As they say Practice makes perfect...
And the mantra is...
Keep on doing till U succeed.
© Abhishekism

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