Sunday, August 29, 2010

What's the #1 Skill of Success?

Successful people develop a variety of personal and professional skills to succeed.
From time management to leadership, communication to networking.
But there is one skill you must develop and nurture to succeed in any economic climate, especially this one.
What's the skill?
Think about, when your confidence is high, everything seems to flow.
When it's low, nothing seems to work as well.
Here are three tips to increase your confidence and success:
1. Control your focus. What you focus on gets better.  If you focus on the problem, it gets bigger.  If you focus on the solution, it gets bigger.
2. Have a target. Having a target or goal helps you get better results with your time, energy and resources.  What are your top 3 goals for the next 90 days?
3. Strengthen your strengths. In the book Good to Great, Jim Collins points out that finding the one thing you do better than anyone else is a key factor for success. What's your #1 strength?  How can you further develop it?
Coaching Action Step: Right now, rate your level of confidence on a scale of 1 to 10.  If you're feeling super confident, give yourself a 10.  If you'd rate your present level of confidence as a 5 or less, work with a personal business coach to identify specific steps to increase your confidence.

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