Sunday, August 29, 2010

Follow-up Coaching from the Motivational Speaker

One of the services the motivational speaker can provide is follow-up coaching.
Personal and business coaching is a focusing and accountability process designed to help individuals and teams accomplish more of their most important personal and business goals.
One of the most powerful ways the motivational speaker incorporates coaching is by following-up to help participants put ideas into action after your event.
This follow-up coaching can be delivered in a variety of formats including:
  • Follow-up conference calls for small and large groups,
  • Pre-written lessons tailored for your company or group, delivered by e-mail, and
  • Pre-recorded audio or video coaching delivered through a private, customized website.
For example, following a recent sales rally keynote, 130 participants received a 12-part series to increase their personal productivity.
"The follow-up really made a difference for our people," said the regional sales manager.  "The extra value and unique follow-up coaching process made this one of the best sales motivation programs we've ever experienced."
If you'd like to see an example of what your participants or team will receive from the motivational speaker, please call or email-+919816698024 or

10 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Motivational Speaker

1. Is the speaker's topic right for my audience?
2. Does the motivational speaker customize the material?  To what level?
3. Does the motivational speaker entertain as well as inform?
4. Does the motivational speaker do "pre-program" research to prepare?
5. Does the motivational speaker provide hand-outs or other materials?
6. Does the motivational speaker involve the audience?
7. Does the motivational speaker do any kind of follow-up to make the ideas stick?
8. Is the motivational speaker easy to work with?
9. Has the motivational speaker spoken to groups like yours in the past?
10. What is the fee?  Are there any discounts?  (Location, time of year, pre-payment, etc.)

What's the #1 Skill of Success?

Successful people develop a variety of personal and professional skills to succeed.
From time management to leadership, communication to networking.
But there is one skill you must develop and nurture to succeed in any economic climate, especially this one.
What's the skill?
Think about, when your confidence is high, everything seems to flow.
When it's low, nothing seems to work as well.
Here are three tips to increase your confidence and success:
1. Control your focus. What you focus on gets better.  If you focus on the problem, it gets bigger.  If you focus on the solution, it gets bigger.
2. Have a target. Having a target or goal helps you get better results with your time, energy and resources.  What are your top 3 goals for the next 90 days?
3. Strengthen your strengths. In the book Good to Great, Jim Collins points out that finding the one thing you do better than anyone else is a key factor for success. What's your #1 strength?  How can you further develop it?
Coaching Action Step: Right now, rate your level of confidence on a scale of 1 to 10.  If you're feeling super confident, give yourself a 10.  If you'd rate your present level of confidence as a 5 or less, work with a personal business coach to identify specific steps to increase your confidence.